“We want Facebook to be a hostile environment for terrorists,” he said.
Said by Simon Milner, the company’s director of policy, issued a widely reported statement Sunday that said the social media platform works “aggressively” to reduce terrorist content.
In earlier time, Theresa May, the U.K. Prime Minister, had called for closer regulation of the internet, saying Sunday that terrorists need to be denied the digital tools they use to communicate and plan attacks.
“We cannot allow this ideology the safe space it needs to breed,” May said. “Yet that is precisely what the internet and the big companies that provide internet-based services provide.”
May also said that democratic governments must regulate cyberspace, adding that “we need to do everything we can at home to reduce the risks of extremism online.”
There is reason to believe that the terrorists have used the advantage of internet to connect and plan the terrorist attack in the world. In the high rate speed of development in internet, if the internet services companies can prevent the communication of terrorist through the net from beginning, it is believable that the attack will be effectively removed.
Nick Pickles, Twitter’s head of public policy in the U.K., also defended his company Sunday, telling in a statement that “terrorist content has no place on Twitter.”
He added that the company will “never stop working” to prevent events like the London terror attack from happening again.